
Week 14- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the fourteenth week of Science Methods II, we would continue to talk more about climate change. This would be through talking about greenhouse gases in lecture. While in discussion we would talk about carbon dioxide and how it has been affected by climate change.  What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher started by asking the small group members to talk about how their conversations with someone older went for them and what they talked about within their conversations. This would allow me to see how my small group members didn’t have negative conversations with someone older than them and to see how their conversations were similar or different than mine. One example of a difference can be one small group member saying how her dad is someone that builds houses or apartments and how a way to improve his buildings can use solar energy in the future. It also would be important to see how greenhouse gases are importa...

Week 13- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the thirteen week of Science Methods II, we would continue to talk more about climate change. Thai would be through talking about the differences between climate and weather in lecture. While in discussion over inaccurate website and the concept LOWER which talks over climate. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher started by asking the small group members to talk about the Coupled Inquiry Cycle and what they have learnt through the article. This would be through talking with my small group members over how inquiry is an important way to teach science to our future students in the classroom. We also would in my small group talk over different graphs and what it showed about climate data with a variety of graphs. This would allow my small group members to see how different graphs were showing similar concepts or results within the data they collected. An example of this can be when it talks about precipitation and sh...

Week 12- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the twelfth week of Science Methods II, we would begin to talk more about climate change and the importance to learn about it. This would be through talking about the movie Before the Flood and measuring precipitation in Iowa. In lecture we would take the Earth Quiz instead of talking more over climate change. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher started by asking “What is climate and weather and what did you learn from the movie Before the Flood” ? This would be through talking in small groups over what we thought climate and weather are. It also would allow my small group to talk about if they thought climate and weather are the same thing or are there different factors into these two concepts. Another important portion talked about within my small group was how the movie talked about how the political party doesn’t allow society to see all of the different factors that are happening within climate change. This...

Week 11- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the tenth week of Science Methods I, we would look for what are the different ways that sand can be formed, what is buoyancy, and how to know what the weight is for geodes. This would be through looking at different types of sands in small groups with a magnifying glass. In lecture we would talk about buoyancy and how to find out the weight of geodes. We also would have a test review time where we got questions to answer. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher started by asking if anyone has gone to places that have different forms of sand and this would help when she went into the three different types of ways sand could be made. She would explain that in small groups at are tables we would be looking at different labeled sands and try to identify which out of the three types we feel it could be. The first one is water which looks polished, is smooth, and are close in size. Some examples within the lab included san...

Week 10- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the ninth week of Science Methods II, we would begin to look at different forms of rocks and how they are created. This would be continued by having Ted continue this discussion and help everyone to know more about this information. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher would start out by allowing everyone to talk about what they know about rocks and what the three forms of rocks could mean. This would help when she presented the experiment which was using starbursts to create the different forms of rocks. That happened by giving each group different materials to use with the starbursts like the flame tool, knife, water, and our hands. It would be important for my group members to start to think of different ways to create these forms of rocks by having them. My group would demonstrate the sedimentary rock by pushing together two pieces of the starbursts with our hands. The igneous rock would be used with the flame...

Week 9- Video for Convection Cells


Week 8- Science Methods II

  What question are we investigating? For the seventh week of Science Methods II, we would begin to look at different presentations from peers that showed common misconceptions around how the solar system works. This would be continued by having Ted continue this discussion and help everyone to know about this information. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher would start out by allowing everyone to pick which group would want to present their information over the solar system. This would allow me to listen and engage in the questions that the peers within the presentation showed. That also would allow me to learn more about some misconceptions I had or others within the class period had. This would allow me to learn about how the information about the solar systems that are more accurate to teach students in the future. An example of this can be the differences between the Big Bang and the Origin of the Earth. It would allow me to see how the Big Bang did...