Week 13- Science Methods II
What question are we investigating?
For the thirteen week of Science Methods II, we would continue to talk more about climate change. Thai would be through talking about the differences between climate and weather in lecture. While in discussion over inaccurate website and the concept LOWER which talks over climate.
What did we do in lab to investigate this question?
The teacher started by asking the small group members to talk about the Coupled Inquiry Cycle and what they have learnt through the article. This would be through talking with my small group members over how inquiry is an important way to teach science to our future students in the classroom. We also would in my small group talk over different graphs and what it showed about climate data with a variety of graphs. This would allow my small group members to see how different graphs were showing similar concepts or results within the data they collected. An example of this can be when it talks about precipitation and showing how it is changing with having more precipitation. Lastly, within lecture I would learn the main differences between climate and weather. It would be that climate is the average weather for thirty years while weather is what the day to day looks like.
What did we figure out?
Another main part that would be talked about in discussion is the inaccurate website and the concept LOWER which talks over climate. It would start out by having Ted showing the article from Mark Morono and then allowing everyone to read it. They also would talk in small groups over their thoughts over the article and why they didn’t like it or liked it. That would allow me to see how Mark wasn’t showing accurate information over climate change and seeing what type of science which is political science he studied or the company that gave him money to form these articles for people to read which are an oil company. It also would be important to learn about the concept LOWER and see how these things affect climate. The first one which is latitude is the distance from the equator to determine whether the climate is hot or cold. The second one, which is ocean currents, talks about how the ocean affects temperatures. The third one which is wind and air masses talks about the volume within the air changes the climate. The fifth one which is elevation is how air rises to affect the temperature. The last concept within it is relief and is the precipitation that is created by the air masses that rise.
What are new or remaining questions after the investigation?
This discussion taught me more about climate change and to see how weather is different compared to climate. It also would allow me to see how different factors affect how it is changed. An example of this could be the equator and whether the climate is hot or cold based on it. Lastly, it would allow me to see how to look at articles more closely on climate change and see how to find out why the article is giving inaccurate information to other individuals in the population.
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