Week 15- Creating New Subtances
What question are we investigating? For the fifteen week of Science Methods I, we would continue with the question: “How can we support elementary students in learning about matter and its interactions?”. We also would look again at the question “Where do the bubbles come from when we mix vinegar and baking soda?” We did this through being in small groups to create a lesson plan to show this phenomenon to elementary students. Then we would share and receive feedback with another small group. What did we do in lab to investigate this question? The teacher explained by reviewing everyone over what happened when mixing vinegar and baking soda together. He would ask everyone in small groups to create models to explain what happens to elementary students. My small group would think about using a balloon with a small coke bottle to show this reaction to the elementary students. We believed that it would allow the students to get a clearer understanding of how it looks when they a...